MS Canned Food Drive

We started the 27th Annual Canned Food Drive last week. Twenty-one students brought 3 cans of food to the Christmas Dance so they could dance free. All food collected goes to the local Christmas Baskets Program. This week students can earn another Free Dance pass (for the Valentine Dance or the Lock-In) or a ZAP-free pass. The ZAP-free pass will allow them to turn in one assignment late without serving a lunch detention.

Christmas Dance

The Middle School Christmas Dance is this Friday, December 3, from 7:00 to 9:00 in the Elementary Cafeteria. Dress is just look nice and no hats. Cost is either $2.00 OR 3 cans of food OR a free dance pass OR a 2-liter bottle of soda. The canned food will go to the Christmas Baskets Program as part of the MS Canned Food Drive.